Chrome Play Store
The Chrome Play Store allows you to customize your browser with extensions, themes and applications to make your experience more complete.
Today you can access your Chrome Web Store to have thousands of web applications available for your Google Chrome browser, whether for your Windows PC, macOS, Linux, Google Chrome OS, developed with Google technology. The store includes special themes and applications that you can use in your Chrome browser. In addition, if you are a developer you can upload your creations for a minimum payment of $ 5, so that you can sell your application development or offer them for free.
To use this store you just have to log in, as in any other internet platform, and from then on you will have access to all the free and paid content found in it. You can purchase applications and use them in your Chrome OS browser. It is designed for Android and includes applications that you can use in your browser, such as news, save preferred links.
How Chrome Play Store is installed
Find an extension you want to install first. You do this once you are logged in, and you just have to add Chrome to enjoy the extension.
To use the application once installed, look for its icon on the right of the address bar, just click and the extension will open and start activating. If once you install the extension it does not convince you, you can uninstall it, just press the right mouse button and click on Google Chrome.
You can also manage the downloaded extensions, for example you can easily deactivate or activate them in a single click, you can also hide them or search for any that are damaged to be able to repair the extension and reuse it without problems.
Some of the extensions that it offers you require that you access read permissions or other actions, keep that in mind when installing it because you will get a window to ask for these permissions. Without them, the extension will not work properly or simply cannot be installed normally.
With the Chrome Web Store you can find out which applications are available for Android, in the information box you can choose to have the applications available for Android appear on the list. It’s that easy to use them and you can find them so you can use them comfortably.
To download the Chrome Play Store, just click on this link